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Board Meeting

The Tyrone Water and Wastewater Association will hold its regular monthly board meeting on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 , at 6:30 p.m.  The meeting will take place at the Tyrone Community Center 50 Malachite Avenue Tyrone, New Mexico 88065.

The agenda for the meeting may be altered up to seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting.

If you are an individual with a disability, who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact Alan Berg at (575)654-0391 or at at least one week prior to the meeting. An agenda may be obtained 72 hours prior to the meeting by calling Alan or from the Agendas section of the TWWA website:

The agenda is also available from the Grant County Beat publication at: Open the Community tab and go to Legal Notices.

All property owners and residents are urged to attend. This meeting is open, and the public is invited to attend.

If you want to participate virtually, the meeting will be on Zoom.  Send your email address to or look for the link on the new website:

Alan Berg, President TWWA



DRAFT AGENDA Posted June 3, 2024 Revision 1



  1. Call to order and declare a quorum – Alan Berg-President
  2. Approval/disapproval of Agenda-Deletions
  3. Approval/disapproval of minutes of the May 15, 2024, Annual Membership Meeting.
  4. Approval/disapproval of the May 2024 financial reports
  5. Old Business

a.    Status of lift station startup activities on June 3, 2024.

                                                   i.  Punch List

                                                 ii.  Welds

                                               iii.  Rain for Rent pumps

b.    Colonias Infrastructure Board award meeting on May 16, 2024.  $848,958 for the water tower project and $5,697,115 for the water line replacement project.

                                                   i.  Next steps in the process

                                                 ii.  Funds won’t be available until 4th quarter of 2024.

c.     $50,000 grant for investigation of the existing sewer lines in Tyrone resulting in a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)

d.    TWWA and Town of Silver City meetings regarding $5.00 monthly water system repair funds shortfall

  1. New Business

a.    Resolution 2024-18. Approval of the Fiscal Year 2025 TWWA budget

                                                   i.  Anticipated revenue

                                                 ii.  Budgeted expenses

                                               iii.  CIF-5799 loan repayment starts in Fiscal Year 2025.  $1.00/property/month for 20 years at 0% interest

b.    Resolution 2024-19.  Approval of Streamline to provide internet management services for fiscal year 2025 per their proposal; attached.

  1. Report and Approval of Officers and Committees

a.    President’s Report

b.    Vice President’s Report-No Vice President

c.     Secretary’s Report

d.    Treasurer’s Report-No Treasurer

e.     Doug Gorthy-member

f.      David Stapp-member

g.    Water Operator - Eddie Mendoza-Lead and Copper Rule and Consumer Confidence Report schedule.  New EPA polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Rules

  1. Input from property owners and residents
  2. Adjournment-A. Berg